June 23, 2008

M Night Shyamalan

Being compared to the famous sci-fi Hollywood Director, Steven Spielberg, M Night Shyamalan has come a long way since his first movie, 'Praying with Anger(1992)'. His lastest venture, 'The Happening' has hit the movie theaters in India this week. Having done well abroad, one must wait and watch how this movie will fare in India.

Read about his early days

Sixth Sense(1999)

The Sixth Sense is the story of a child psychologist, Malcolm(Bruce Willis) whose young patient, Cole Sear(Haley Joel Osmet) can see dead people. Read more...


The story takes place in Philadelphia and stars Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson. The movie is about a man coming to the realization that he has powers and abilities above and beyond those of his fellows. Read more...

Sign (2002)
This is a story of the Hess family in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, who wakes up one morning to find a 500-foot crop circle in their backyard. Read more...

Read more about M Night Shyamalan's Early Movies and latest movies

Praying with Anger(1992)
Wide Awake(1998)
The Village(2004)
The Lady in the Water(2006)
The Happening(2008)

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June 19, 2008

The Mumbai Monsoons

In recent years, Mumbai has been facing the most brunts of heavy monsoons in India. Right from the dark days of June 2005, the monsoons in Mumbai have been slashing and brutal. Though the administration has been claiming from past 2 years that it has been prepared to control the adverse effects of monsoons, little has been done. The roads are still flooded, drains clogged up, railway tracks full of water and the huge traffic jam.

Rains disrupting Mumbai since 3 years
From past 3 years, the monsoons in Mumbai has been creating a havoc. The largest destruction being the monsoons in 2005. June 26 that year saw the whole city struggling with as many as 300 and more people losing their lives. more...

Water logging: The 150 year old drains
Water logging is one of the reasons for the floods swelling up in the city with an average rainfall. This year, water logging was reported from as many as 31 locations in the city during the weekend. more...

Read about the Impact of Monsoons on Mumbai

Graph on Cumulative Rainfall in Mumbai

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June 4, 2008

The 'Common Man' of India

Every morning, the 'Times of India' gives people its first page with 'You Said It!', the reflection of the Common Man - who is quiet spectator of the events, politics, inflations and the country's economic rise and fall. Over more than half a century, Common man has been the voice of India.

Who is the 'Common Man'?
Common Man is an imaginary character sketch and the creation of the famous political cartoonist of India's popular newspaper, 'The Times of India'...

The Common Man represents the plight of the common people of India. His strength lies in his silence, and his ability to notice life as it passes by.

The creator of 'Common Man', Mr. R.K Laxman has won many prestigious awards in India. His idol has been David Low and Illingworth whom he was able to meet in 1985. Laxman became the first Indian cartoonist to exhibit in London during that year.

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Interview with R.K Laxman

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June 2, 2008

Martial Art of Kerala - KALARI

'Kalari' or 'Kalaripayyat' is the exclusive martial arts legacy of Kerala. An old combat martial art originating in Southern India, Kalari is used as a defensive system. It's believed that Kalaripayyat may have been the inspiration for the many Asian martial arts we know today like the chinese combat skill of 'Kung-fu'... Read more

Elements of Kalari
* Ankathattu -
'Ankathattu' is a four to six feet high platform constructed temporarily for the purpose of fighting duels.

* Poothara - It's a seven-tier platform placed in the south-west corner of every Kalari, housing the guardian deity of the Kalari.

* Gurukkal - Each Kalari is run by a ‘gurukkal’ (teacher) who teaches the students the esoteric physical and spiritual disciplines needed to master Kalaripayattu...Read More

Styles of Kalari

Northern (Vadakkan) Style: This style is characterized with the typical leaping and jumping movements which is unique to the system.

Southern (Thekkan) Style: The stances are comparatively higher than in the Northern or Vadakkan style and relatively less emphasis is placed on the weapons like sword and shield and Churika (double edged sword dagger about one cubit in length).

Central Style: This is 'a composite' from both the northern and southern styles that includes northern meippayattu preliminary exercises, southern emphasis on empty-hand techniques, and its own distinctive techniques, which are performed within floor drawings known as kalam...Read More

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Promoting Ayurveda - Health Tourism in India

* India is emerging as a great destination for medical tourism because it has several pull factors like Excellent medical treatment at low cost, easy accessibility, picturesque locations for excellent holiday, etc.

* The medical tourism market in India is expected to grow to $2 billion a year by 2012-13...

* The word Ayurveda is composed of two sanskrit terms - Ayu meaning 'life' and Veda meaning 'knowledge'. Therefore Ayurveda means the knowledge of life or science of life. It is defined as the science, through which one can obtain knowledge about the useful and harmful ways of life, happy and miserable types of life, conditions that lead to the above types of life, as well as, the very nature of life...Read More