June 19, 2008

The Mumbai Monsoons

In recent years, Mumbai has been facing the most brunts of heavy monsoons in India. Right from the dark days of June 2005, the monsoons in Mumbai have been slashing and brutal. Though the administration has been claiming from past 2 years that it has been prepared to control the adverse effects of monsoons, little has been done. The roads are still flooded, drains clogged up, railway tracks full of water and the huge traffic jam.

Rains disrupting Mumbai since 3 years
From past 3 years, the monsoons in Mumbai has been creating a havoc. The largest destruction being the monsoons in 2005. June 26 that year saw the whole city struggling with as many as 300 and more people losing their lives. more...

Water logging: The 150 year old drains
Water logging is one of the reasons for the floods swelling up in the city with an average rainfall. This year, water logging was reported from as many as 31 locations in the city during the weekend. more...

Read about the Impact of Monsoons on Mumbai

Graph on Cumulative Rainfall in Mumbai

More interesting articles at www.indiamarks.com

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