June 23, 2008

M Night Shyamalan

Being compared to the famous sci-fi Hollywood Director, Steven Spielberg, M Night Shyamalan has come a long way since his first movie, 'Praying with Anger(1992)'. His lastest venture, 'The Happening' has hit the movie theaters in India this week. Having done well abroad, one must wait and watch how this movie will fare in India.

Read about his early days

Sixth Sense(1999)

The Sixth Sense is the story of a child psychologist, Malcolm(Bruce Willis) whose young patient, Cole Sear(Haley Joel Osmet) can see dead people. Read more...


The story takes place in Philadelphia and stars Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson. The movie is about a man coming to the realization that he has powers and abilities above and beyond those of his fellows. Read more...

Sign (2002)
This is a story of the Hess family in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, who wakes up one morning to find a 500-foot crop circle in their backyard. Read more...

Read more about M Night Shyamalan's Early Movies and latest movies

Praying with Anger(1992)
Wide Awake(1998)
The Village(2004)
The Lady in the Water(2006)
The Happening(2008)

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